Its time, the Coho are here and thick!! Getting reports on the local tributaries that limits of coho are being caught! Some rivers are already at a 6 fish limit. Let me tell you that if you put 6 fish in your freezer it fills awfully quick!
We have had great success in the past years casting wigglers and slowly retrieving. This can be done from either the boat or the bank and both work very effectively. Color combos such as BW-29, Dr. Death, or matte red work great! Fishing can be fast and furious when the fish are in. Tending to run in schools, if you hook a fish, make sure everyone else keeps casting until the fish is ready to be netted, it is very common to have doubles on throughout the day.
Fishing should be good through the end of the month when the fish will start getting there spawning colors and meat turn lighter in color. So get them while you can!
Now, if I can figure out a way to cast flashers and my wigglers….. Hmmmm…..

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